Our free membership gives you:
- expert information on Crohn's, colitis, IBD unclassified, oral Crohn's and very early onset IBD
- understanding & support for the whole family
- the insider newsletter produced twice a year and sent free of charge to families
- easy to understand booklets & leaflets for parents, teachers & young people
- help with the transition from children to adult services
- ‘can’t wait’ cards issued FREE of charge to help children explain their condition when in urgent need of toilet facilities
- epals scheme for children & young adults to chat and support each other by e-mail
- parents in contact, for parents to provide practical support to each other
- regular IBD family information and support days across the UK
- information on travel insurance and RADAR keys
CICRA is the only national charity in the UK focused specifically on supporting children and young people with Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis, and their families.
To sign up for your free membership, please fill in the form below. If you are not a parent or carer of a young child, you are still welcome to show your support and join CICRA, please contact us.