useful links for help with school and college

The following links are for additional support with school and education. CICRA take no responsibility for the content or accuracy of external advice.

RAIISE is a charity aiming to improve the support provided to young people with invisible illnesses in school, college and university, through delivering resources to education professionals

Medical Conditions at School is an alliance of charities supporting schools and pupils with medical conditions

Well at School provides information and advice to schools on supporting children with medical or mental health conditions

Young Minds provides some useful advice and information on where you can get help if you think your child might be anxious about school

Child Law Advice Centre (from Coram Children's Legal Centre) provides free specialist advice and information to parents, carers and young people on education law in England

IPSEA offers free ‘legally based’ advice regarding education in England and Wales to families who have children with special educational needs

Place2Be provides emotional and therapeutic services in primary and secondary schools, aiming to build children's resilience

government guidance

Government guidance for England on supporting pupils at school with medical conditions (PDF)

Illness and your child's education

Education for children with health needs who cannot attend school

individual healthcare plans

Guidance on Individual Healthcare Plans (PDF)

Template for Individual Healthcare Plan (PDF)