by CICRA family support worker, Laura Palmer
School has a significant role to play in childhood as young people transition through to adulthood. Given the statutory expectations around attendance and the amount of time young people spend at school, it is important that schools and parents help young people make the most of their time at school, as these experiences will stay with them forever. Second to family, school are potentially the biggest support network a child will have, so it is important that we make every effort to ‘get it right’. There can be apprehension ahead of the new school year but we have a great deal of information on our website to support young people, parents and carers, and schools and teachers.
> read about our workshops for young people with IBD to help build confidence and resilience
Being a young person isn’t always easy, pressure to work hard at school, have 100% attendance, achieve good results and make big decisions about your future! Friendships can be difficult as you try to find your way through it all! And then, as if that wasn’t enough, you are hit with a diagnosis of IBD! At times, it can probably feel like nobody understands and at other times you might not want people to mention it, you just want to get on with life. Just get in touch with CICRA and we will do all we can to support you.
> read our support worker's advice about school and exams for young people
There are some great examples of easy but impactful ways to effectively support young people with IBD at school, essentially everybody wants what is best for the young person. Much of our information for schools is applicable to supporting any young person with a long term, chronic illness. If you are a teacher or member of staff and would like to get in touch with CICRA for any further information or advice, please don’t hesitate to make contact. We want to enable and support you to feel equipped when supporting students who have IBD so we would love to hear from you.
> read our support worker's advice for teachers and schools with pupils with IBD
When your child is diagnosed with IBD there may be many emotions spinning around your head with lots of practical implications to suddenly consider. For many parents and carers it can be difficult knowing how to start navigating your way through and your priorities will likely depend upon the status of your child’s condition at that time; When your child is very poorly, your focus will be on getting them well/stable with the support of your medical team. However, when you start to think about your child getting back into and coping with day to day activities there may be lots of things to consider.
> read our support worker's advice about school for parents and carers
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